Kampong Chhnang City Tour Destinations

Phnom Raobbat
Phnom Roabbat is a cultural and national site located in Andoung Chhey district, Andoung Chhey commune, Rolear Paear, about 12 kilometers south of Kampong Chhnang provincial town.
The site feature small, beautiful mountains and abundant fresh air. there is a footprint of hermit Ta Prohm and a pagoda on the mountaintop, where Cambodians gather during festival days. The stone on Phnom Roabbat is very good for sharpening Knives. The spot is related to the Ta Praeng legend in Cambodian folklore.
Phnom Santouch
Phnom Santouch is a natural site located at Santouch Village, Sre Thmei commune, Relea Paear district, about 3 kilometers north of the provincial town.
Points of interest at this site include a large stone related to Khmer legend, beautiful scenery that is popular with photographers and filmmakers and a panoramic view of the Great Lake Tonle Sap. On the hilltop, there is an old Chinese temple, where visitors like to relax.
Phnom Krang Romeas
Phnom Krang Romeas is located in Sre Thmei and Svay Chrum communes, Rolea Paear district, about 2 kilometers from the provincial town. It is a natural site abundant in big trees and fresh air. Cambodians gather here during holidays, particularly Khmer New Year and Pchum Ben.
Phnom Ta Reach
Phnom Ta Reach is a natural and historical site located in Phnom Touch village, Ponro commune, Rolea Paear district, about 10 kilometers west of the provincial town. From 1976 to 1978, the Khmer Rouge used forced laborers and prisoners to break down the rocky hill at this site, which was 200 meters long, nearly 3 meters wide and 6 meters high.
There is also a big and small hill covered with palm trees. Fresh air is abundant. Locals frequently visit this site during festivals.
Tonle Sap View
Tonle Sap view area is located in front of Phsar Krom, about 1 kilometers from the provincial town. The site includes many floating house and fishing lots, where locals raise and catch fish. The site is popular among foreign visitors who want to learn about Cambodian fishermen and those people who live on the river.
In addition to the site mentioned above, Kampong Chhnang province has numerous organized and are not so well known. they :
Ponareay Temple: located in Elech village, Chra Nuk commune, Kampong Leng district, about 13 kilometers from the provincial town.
Pros or Saklor Temple: located in Kangkep village, Chra Nuk commune Kampong Leng district, about 19 kilometers from the provincial town.
Srei Temple: located in Prasat village, Da commune, Kampong Leng district, about 17 kilometers from the provincial town.
Thma Bdei or Slotey: located in Leng village, Da commune, Kapong Leng district, about 15 kilometers from the provincial town.
Kampogng Preah Temple: located in Wat Kampong Preah Chnouk Tru commune, Boribo district, about 8 kilometers from the provincial town.
Wat Traliang Kiang: an old city located in Lung Vek commune, Kampong Tra Lach district, about 24 kilometers from the provincial town.

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