Kompong Cham Province Tour Destinations

Nokor Bachey Temple
Nokor Bachey temple is a cultural and historical site. It is located 2.2 kilometers from Kampong Cham provincial town along National Road 7, about 122 kilometers northeast of Phnom Penh. Visitors traveling from Phnom Penh will see the gate to the pagoda on right. The temple was built in the middle of the 11th century, during the reign of Suryavarman II and King Ouphey dedicating to Brahmanism. The temple is about 200 meters inside the gate. The site is accessible to almost all type of vehicle. The temple is divided as followed:
Preah Theat Teuk Chhar
Preah Theat Teuk Chhar is a group of Temples in Thmo Da villages, Beung Nay commune and Thmei village, Krouch commune in Prey Chhar district, about 39 kilometers from Kampong Cham provincial town. Visitors can reach Preah Theat Teuk Chhar by taking National Road 7 from Kampong Cham, turn right at the provincial road and drive 13 kilometers before turning right again and driving another 5 kilometers along a canal trail, to the temple site.
The temple were constructed in AD 1005, during the reign of King Suryavarman I. as proposed by King’s adviser Chung Chheal4,the King agreed to build these temples and Leaksintra started construction on the site called Sithiboriya that which owned by the king, who also contributed money. Leaksintra, however, used his salesmanship to encourage the local people to contribute the money as well, until the project was finished.
Once of the temples houses a Shilva lingam named Sreipatresvara and two divinity statues Paramesvara and Sarasvata at both side. another cave like temple believed to house a god is located along a canal, near a waterfall. badly damaged over the years, only one door remains today, and it is overgrown with vegetation.
The architect excavated a large pond on the right side of the temple called Leaksintrada. a golden Silva lingam was kept in the middle of the pond. nearby, a village of wealthy people was formed, in addition, people from nearby villages were invited to live there, too, the village soon became a crowded but cheerful town.
Leaksintra told the king of the new town, and the king went there to celebrate the town’s inauguration in AD 1025. he gave the city numerous gifts, including 29soldiers and a rice field that surrounded the temple. he had pond dug and a huge court built for the festival celebrations, and he gave decorations for the temple. he named the site Leaksintrabot in honor of its architect, Leaksintra.
Later, the site became a place for religious worship. The religious practiced changed from king to king, some king practiced Brahmanism, while some practiced Mahayana Buddhism. Other were Theravada Buddhists, which explains why there are so many small temples at Preah Theat Teuk Chhar. All told, there are 551 small temples which are influenced by Brahmanism and Buddhism. some of the temples contain statues of heroes who gave their lives for the nation.
Many of the temple were destroyed by years of war. others were heavily damaged. today, monk and visitors to the site search in hopes of finding the name and foundations of these temples so they might be rebuilt. Some temples have been rebuilt already, their foot and tile roofing replaced with concrete.
Thom temple
The site of an ancient temple is at the top of the hill. it includes three structures built of solid brick. one of the structures is no longer standing , while the other two remain, along with some ancient statues and other subject related to Brahmanism. a relatively new temple site on the same terrace, not far from the ancient structures. Villagers who live near the site believe that the ancient temples are protected by magic objects, and if visitors do not pray to the objects, their photographs will not turn out.
Preah Theat temple
Preah Theat temple is east of Thom Temple. It include six ancient temples. Of this six five were destroyed by war, and the remaining temple has nearby collapsed as a result of thieves digging for treasures. Northeast of Thom Temple is Preak Theat pond. In ancient times this pond was a canal.
Koh Andet Koh Prak
Koh Andet Koh Prak is an island inside a pond, north of Prey Nokor village. It is 30 meters long and 20 meters wide. It is also known as Srah Teum.
The Rampart
The rampart surrounds Prey Nokor Knong-Krau city, it consists of a complex of wild bamboo that was planted to block access to the city. The rampart was originally10 meters high and 15 meters wide. each site is 2,500 meters long. Some part of the rampart have been damaged.
This ancient site is popular among animists and tourists who wish to pray and enjoy traditional games during traditional festival days.
Wat Preah Theat Thma Da Temple
Wat Preah Theat Thma Da Temple is an ancient site located in Preah Theat Thma Da village, Preah Theat commune, O’Reang Oav district, about 38 kilometers southeast of Kampng Cham town. Take National Road 7 form Kampong Cham town, Turn right at National Road 11 and continue on to O’Reang Oav district. The site is 8 kilometers trail down a dirt trail.
Wat Preah Theat Thma Da temple is 190 meters long and 160 meters wide. The temple includes Preah Theat temple and a pond that s 180 meters wide and 950 meters long .The water is in the pond is very clear. It is called Tonle Sa Ngout. along the entrance to the Tonle is another temple called Preah Vihear Preah Chul Nipean. at one time there was a statues of the reclining reaching nirvana, but the statues was stolen.
There are a number of statues in Wat Preah Theat Thma Da that local people worship. they include the statues of Atitap Vero, Kongchak, Hekpous, Srei Krupleak, Tuosmuk and Angkrong Pleung.
Behind the temple there is another hall Meru Mena built during French colonial time. At the front door there is a lintel5 that is sculpted on sandstone. Much of it has been damaged. inside Meru is a sculpture of Haothi Neang Umaparvati, which the Brahmans worshiped. It is believed that if the coconut dropped into the hole inside Meru, the coconut will appear in the middle of the pond. Meru was built was on the site of an old temple.
Phnom Pros Phnom Srei
Phnom Bros is a dull peak hill about 30 meters high. on the hill is a pagoda named Wat Sovankiri Rattanak Phnom Pros. it has a spot for vehicles to part at the top. the main temple is five peaks, constructed in the style of Banteay Srei temple in Siem Reap. another temple on the Phnom Pros has two peaks and was constructed during the Sangkum Reastre Nyum regime of then-Prince Norodom Sihanouk.near the temple is a 15-meter-high stupa, which was constructed by a monk named Keo Suor, who was the first head monk of the pagoda. a Kot is at the foot of the hill.
From 1975 to 1979, during the Khmer Rouge regime, Phnom Pros was used as a prison and torture center.about 1.000 meters north of Phnom Pros, there is another higher hill with a sharp-pointed called Phnom Srei.there is also several smaller hills at Phnom Srei called Phnom Dangrek, Phnom Ly and Phnom Chhuk. visitors can reach the peak by climbing308 steps. at the top are the remnants of a destroyed temple. no monk live there, however, there is a Daun Chi2 who cares for the site and asks visitors for donation to rebuild the temple.
This site popular with Cambodians during traditional festivals like Khmer New Year and Pchum Bin. the top of the hill affords visitors a beautiful view of Kampong Cham Province.
Phnom Han Chey (Phnom Chey Kiri)
Han Chey or Phnom Chey Kiri is located in Han Chey village, Han Chey commune, Kampong Siem district, about 18 kilometers east of Kampong Cham provincial town on the northern part of the Mekong River. The distance by water is 20 kilometers.
The top of the mountain is located by climbing 295 steps. On the top of the mountain there is a pagoda and temple known as South Kuk temple. Constructed of solid brick made of red clay, it is 7 meters square and 12 meters high. South Kuk temple was built in the seventh century during the reign of King Isanavarman I. Much of the temple has collapsed. Next to it is a second temple made of sandstone. It is 2 meters cubic in circumference and has a roof.
At the foot of the mountain, there is another temple made of basalt called Neang Khmao temple or Noth Kuk temple. It is 7 square meters. Today this temple is near collapse, because it has not been maintained.
Many tourists visit these sites many foreigners prefer to come by water, and they often travel in groups. Phnom Han Chhey is 63 meters high offers the tourist beautiful views of the countryside and Mekong River from it submit.
Phnom Cheung Prey Temple
Phnom Cheung Prey, which has a long history and beautiful scenery, has become a popular destination for tourist. It is located in Rovieng village, Rovieng Commune, Cheung Prey district, about 56 kilometers west of Kampong Cham provincial town. It is only 2 kilometers off National Road 7, on a gravel trail.
Most visitors who visit Phnom Cheung Prey believe that the hill has a magical object. local villagers are very superstitious about the hill and they pray at the temple on the top of it. Mr. Meun Met, a 40-year-old astrologer and traditional medical practitioner, said that, based on his observation, most visitors come from Phnom Penh, while only a few come from Kampong Cham provincial town and nearly districts. Most of these people, Meun Met said, come for medical treatment and to pray to the spirit, such as Neakta Krahom Ko.
Phnom Cheun Prey was divided into two hills. the eastern hill is called Phnom Srei or Phnom Thom, and the western hill is called Phnom Pros or Phnom Preah Bat. they about 500 meters apart.
On Phnom Srei, sits an ancient temple made of laterite and built in 12th century. All but 30 person of the temple has been destroyed. The hill is accessible by three sets o stairs–on th north, the south and the east side. Phnom Srei is 40 high, while Phnom Pros is only 30 meters. Cars can travel to the top of Phnom Pros.
According to Khmer folklore, the story of how Phnom Srei Phnom Pros came to be is similar to the story of the story o Phnom Pros and Phnom Srei in Kampong Siem district. in both cases, men and women competed to see who could build the taller hill. in this story, however, the place where the women drug the earth to build their hill become a big pond called Srah Teuk Preah, which can hold the water for the entire years, meanwhile, The place where the men dug the earth to build their hill became a big pond that holds no water. That pond is called Srah Kampeng Sanguot. It is said that Srah Kampeng Sanguot has no water because the women put a curse on it.
Next to Srah Teuk Preah is another pond, 50 meters squares and 4 meters deep. It is called Srah Leang Cheung6 before climbing the hill, people wash their feet there. There are many object on the hill, including a Buddha’s footprint stone, which Buddhists believe to be a magical object, Key Neang Teav Stone, stone of Ta Preng’s footprint, Khun Chhang’s place, and west of the cave there is a stone hole called Ronlor Ta Preng. there is also a rampart made of laterite that encircles the hill. at one time the rampart was 4 meters wide and 6 meter long on each side, but now only parts remain.
Haong Waterfall
The site is a mountain that features a cliff and waterfall. Inaccessible at one time, it has become a popular tourist destination in Kampong Cham province, there might be no other place Haong in the province, where visitors can see real nature. Those who has visited will never forget the jungle and the beautiful waterfall that is perfect for swimming. Buddhist come there to pray to the Buddha statue and to seek blessings from the monk who live there.
According to local authorities, there are 1,800 hectares of jungle at Haong. Some of the Trees has been cut by local villagers to clear land to farm. Haong is in Memut district on the border of Tambe district, about 90 kilometers east of the provincial town. the visitors either take a tour there or travel with a group of people.
At one time, Haong was entirely jungle. Then a monk maned Prak Mony arrived there, And Haong began to change. Today, monks live there and a pagoda is being built. a visit to Haong is an unforgettable experience.
Chhrouy Chek
Chhrouy Chek is a name of the place that was built for stocking water to irrigate the rice fields. Its beautiful flora and water sources have made it a popular location for Kampong Cham dwellers to visit, Especially on weekends and holidays. Young people in particular enjoy swimming there.
The site is about 15 kilometers from the provincial town, north of Kampong Siem district. the road is good, and there are lots of food stands along the way. Some food can be serve with no waiting. there are also floating houses that can be rented for 2,000 riel (USD 0.50), Where visitors can sit and relax. Boats are also available to rent.
Chhrouy Chek dam was built from 1975 to 1978, during the Khmer Rouge regime, for the purpose of storing water to grow rice during the dry season. Many Cambodians died while building the dry season. Many Cambodians died while building this dam, and others were killed by the Khmer Rouge. The place where they died is called Prey Tranoab.
Teuk Chhar
Next to Preah Theat Teuk Chhar temples is a canal dug during ancient times. water fill the canals years round and the water is very clear and free-flowing, making it popular with theorists who enjoy bathing in it. At one time, there were many trees and plants along the both side the canal, but they were removed to make a big plain, where the water alongside the main temple.
Today, the ancient pond designed by Leaksintra is a vast source of the water that is contained by the dam built several years ago. the water that fill the canal flow source from Kampong Cham Province, pass the temple and into the big slit, which for many years has been full of water that irrigates the rice fields of nearby villages such as Kroch village in Prey Chhar district.
Because the canal is old, the Ministry of Agriculture has built a dam to store water to supply thousands of hectares of rice field in Prey Chhar district, Kampong Cham Province and Baray district in Kampong Thom Province.
The surface of the Teuk Chha is 3 square kilometers. The water that fills it comes from about ten sources in the mountainous northeast and the plateau region, which is called Kbal Teuk, this basin has an average depth of 2 meters, the water flows through tree channels. any two of the channels can be closed one time, allowing the water to flow into the third channel and into the dam.
Because the canal of Teuk Chhar is angled like a carpenter’s tool, people can swim there. Since the water is clear, visitors can watch the schools of small fish swimming opposite direction of the water flow. In addition, the trees that line the canal bank hold many bird and provide shade and shelters to visitors. The cool climate along with the water and the big trees that surround the ancient temple make this site popular with the tourists and the locals, who enjoy spending their holidays there, thus this place is very well known.

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